
Red hand of doom maps
Red hand of doom maps

red hand of doom maps

  • The Sunless Citadel followed by Forge of Fury, both now published on Tales from the Yawning Portal (5E, 32$), have commonly been recommended as precursor adventures since the third edition days.
  • Red Hand of Doom and Karameikos - Webpage dedicated to ideas and implications of running this adventure in the Mystara setting.
  • Connecting RHoD to the Starter Set (Lost Mines of Phandelver) -Ī somewhat comprehensive list of connection ideas by the My Realms blog.
  • Whatever you use, make sure you unify one or more NPCs and at least hint at the menaces of the later main module. Mind that RHoD is set in the Elsir Vale instead of the Forgotten Realms. The adventure starts with seasoned level 5 heroes, so a common question is what to use before, and how to connect both locations. A large user generated forum guide for the whole campaign, with tips for possible tweaks.
  • Converting Red Hand of Doom to 5e - Series of posts redoing each encounter in order.
  • He remade each encounter’s compositions with monsters already published, and did the unique NPCs, which were my main worry. Many people around claim to have converted the adventure for their home game, but user Draz74 is the first to publish his efforts. After there has been some story development, give both a read and see how it would work better for your group.
  • Flipping the last two chapters, 4 and 5 - I read multiple times of people finding somewhat anticlimactic the order of events that closes the adventure, and flipping these two sections appears to be a common answer.
  • For those items you might want to include, user Grakrag from EnWorld’s forums suggests dropping the roll bonuses for magical weapons by one (+1 to 0, +2 to +1)

    red hand of doom maps

    This is the result of a design approach that the D&D system no longer follows. Excess of magic items - In summary, drop most of them.Custom NPCs - There are a good couple of unique enemy NPCs in the adventure.Its theme differs from that of the current hardcover campaigns, focusing on war and the ticking threat of annihilation by an approaching army of hobgoblins. Red Hand of Doom (RHoD), is one of the best regarded adventures of the third edition era, being named in the top 5 modules of all time (pre-5e) by both EnWorld and Nerdist.

    Red hand of doom maps