
Windows 7 service pack 3
Windows 7 service pack 3

I used both during this investigation in order to get to this minimum required set. I highly recommend both the KUC Update Checker and WSUS Offline Update utilities. Microsoft Update was enabled, and all updates offered through Windows Update were installed prior to starting this investigation.

windows 7 service pack 3 windows 7 service pack 3

The base test image used for this research was 64-Bit Windows 7 Ultimate SP1. The following sections describe the updates required and provide links to each. After extensive testing, I concluded that 35 updates not offered through Windows Update would need to be installed to reach this objective. With the May 2020 Windows 7 updates, I went on a mission to determine the minimum set of updates needed to enable all features within Windows 7, including optional hotfixes, and to have the most up-to-date installation possible.

Windows 7 service pack 3